Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) - MPEI - was founded in 1930 in Moscow at the very beginning of world power engineering development and was widened and enlarged with the discovering of new energy sources, solving new scientific and technological problems, implementing of new methods of energy generating, distributing and consuming. MPEI is of the same age as Russian Power Engineering.
MPEI now is the largest Russian Power Engineering University and scientific centre, is one of the main universities in Russia in the field of Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computers` Education. MPEI today is a unity of modern educational and scientific laboratories, cabinets and lecture halls rig up with modern equipment, installations, control and measuring systems and technical means of education. The MPEI has the official status of Technical University and is a Member of International Association of Universities being really international higher educational institution. In accordance with official rating of the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation the MPEI holds the leading place in the list of all technical universities in the country.
Today MPEI consists of 5 Technical Institutes, 3 special faculties, preparatory faculty and faculty for retraining of the specialists, Institute of Humanities, Institute of technology, ecology and business, and Institute of a safety in business. MPEI has an unique educational Heat and Power Plant, Main Computer Centre and several computer well-equipped laboratories, the centre of video-computer methods of teaching, centre of distant education, one of the largest university's scientific and technological library, publishing division, which manufacture text-books, manuals, scientific literature; audio-video-computer Russian Language Centre; large sport stadium, swimming pool, and sport halls. The special сentres of Deep Space Communication, where the first pictures of Venus and the other side of the Moon were received, is open for the students and trainees of the University. There are 70 Departments, 550 educational laboratories and more than 100 research laboratories. More over 1500 professors, associated professors and teachers are in the MPEI`s educational staff, and the most among them have the Degree of Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy.
Nowadays, more than 10 000 students are trained in MPEI. The international team of MPEI includes nearly 300 graduate students and more than 100 PhD students from more than 40 countries.
The training of the international students in MPEI was started in 1946. Since this time, about 7000 citizens of other countries have got high-quality education at MPEI. More over 1000 students have obtained their Ph.D. degrees here. Among our graduates there are many persons who worked and work at the highest State positions:
• Hussein Sarhan Sbeikh, the Rector of Polytechnic University of Hoson, Jordan
• Iojef Sabo, General Director of High-Voltage Networks Corporation (Hungary)
• Ion Iliesku, the President of Romania
• Li Peng, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China
• Randjikar Sahan Lal, Vice-President of Nepal Engineering Association
• Makala Samuel, the Minister of Power Industry of Tanzania
• Traore Sheikne, the Director of Solar Power Institute of Mali
• Service faculties of MPEI includes:
• Library, which have nearly 2 000000 books, 8 reading halls and computer hall,
• Students hostels accommodate 5100 students,
• Medical policlinic contain high qualified medicinal specialists, computer diagnostic center, and the center of laser medical examination
• Sport grounds, stadium, halls for training, tennis courts, swimming pool, etc.
• MPEI doors are opened to everyone:
• Prospective students from foreign countries graduated from secondary school may enter preliminary department for 10-month program, which offers the study of Russian language and training in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Informatics;
• Graduates of any preliminary department with secondary education and knowledge of Russian language are welcome to study at B.Sc. courses in wide directions during 4 years;
• A special programme in English medium in the field of Computer Sciences, Electronics and Radio Engineering is offered for English speaking students;
• The persons with B.Sc. degree and knowledge of Russian language are offered to study at Dipl. Engineer (1,5 year) or M.Sc. courses (2 years) with deeper specialization in the selected specialty;
• Specialists with Dipl. Engineer or M.Sc. degrees have the possibility to perform PhD project (3 years programme) in one of Institute's departments;
• Specialists graduated from any higher educational establishment (institute, academy, university) may improve their professional and pedagogical skills during specially designed courses.
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) offers Bachelor, Engineer, Master, and Ph.D. programs in following specialities:
Applied mathematics; Automatics and control; Dynamics and strength of machines; Low temperature physics and technology; Thermophysics; Robots and robotic systems; Electric drive and automatics of industrial installations and technological complexes; Boiler and reactor manufacture; Turbine manufacture; Equipment and technology of high-efficiency manufacturing; Hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives, hydro- and pneumatic control; Electromechanics; Electrical and electronic apparatus; Electrical insulators and cables engineering, capacitors technology; Electro technological installations and systems; Illuminating technology and light sources; Electrical transport; Electrical equipment of flying vehicles; Internal electrical equipment for factories; Electric power supply; Power industrial electronics; Radiophysics and electronics; Radio engineering; Radio electronic devices and systems; Household radio electronic systems; Biotechnical and medical apparatus and systems; Informational and measurement technologies and technique; The instruments and methods for quality testing and diagnostics; Control and informatics in technical systems; Automatic production and technology processes; Automatic control of electrical power systems; Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks; Computer-aided-design systems; Electric power stations; Electrical power systems and networks; Nuclear power plants; Water and fuel technology on the thermal power stations; Industrial heat engineering; Heat technologies; Non-traditional and renewable sources of energy; High-voltage physics and technologies; Thermal power stations; Environmental engineering; Optical-electronic devices and systems; Materials and components for solid-state electronics; Microelectronics and semiconductor devices; Electronic devices and systems; Economy and enterprises management; Management (in industries: electrical engineering; electrical power engineering); Decorative designing of articles for the textile and light industry (stylist); Design-decorative modelling of articles for every day life (modeller); Interior and equipment - decorative design for private and public buildings interiors; State and municipal management; Finances and credit; Accountancy and audit.
The main language of training in MPEI is Russian. However, some B.Sc. and Dipl.Eng, M.Sc. and Ph.D. specialties are available in English, French and German.
MPEI official fees for 2008/09 academic year
Program Tuition fee
(Euro/ academic year)
All engineering specialties
in Russian medium Computer Engineering in English medium
Foundation 1620 –
Bachelor course (4 years)
First year 1620 2190
Second year 1890 2550
Third year 2160 2920
Fourth year 2430 3280
Master course (2 years)
Fifth year 2560 3460
Sixth year 2700 3650
Ph.D. course (3 years)
*Student must pay contract fee 800 US $ First Year only .
Insurance fee (Life & health insurance) – Euro 170 per year
Accommodation fee at MPEI hostel: – Euro 810 per year for one place in 2-3 bed rooms
The fees are announced in local currency (Russian Rouble) and calculated into Euro in spring. Therefore the real payment may differ a bit from fees mentioned above (depends on Rouble/Euro ratio of exchange at the time of payment
V.K.Sharma (M.D),
Gold India Education Services Pvt.Ltd
K -29, Gandhi nagar, Gwalior (M.P.) 474002 INDIA
PH : FAX : + 91 -0751 – 4010133,2456981
Mob.: +91 9425126069,9893694946,9229265733
Help Line 08.00 A.M. to 08.00P.M.Mob-9993310133
Email :, ,
MPEI now is the largest Russian Power Engineering University and scientific centre, is one of the main universities in Russia in the field of Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computers` Education. MPEI today is a unity of modern educational and scientific laboratories, cabinets and lecture halls rig up with modern equipment, installations, control and measuring systems and technical means of education. The MPEI has the official status of Technical University and is a Member of International Association of Universities being really international higher educational institution. In accordance with official rating of the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation the MPEI holds the leading place in the list of all technical universities in the country.
Today MPEI consists of 5 Technical Institutes, 3 special faculties, preparatory faculty and faculty for retraining of the specialists, Institute of Humanities, Institute of technology, ecology and business, and Institute of a safety in business. MPEI has an unique educational Heat and Power Plant, Main Computer Centre and several computer well-equipped laboratories, the centre of video-computer methods of teaching, centre of distant education, one of the largest university's scientific and technological library, publishing division, which manufacture text-books, manuals, scientific literature; audio-video-computer Russian Language Centre; large sport stadium, swimming pool, and sport halls. The special сentres of Deep Space Communication, where the first pictures of Venus and the other side of the Moon were received, is open for the students and trainees of the University. There are 70 Departments, 550 educational laboratories and more than 100 research laboratories. More over 1500 professors, associated professors and teachers are in the MPEI`s educational staff, and the most among them have the Degree of Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy.
Nowadays, more than 10 000 students are trained in MPEI. The international team of MPEI includes nearly 300 graduate students and more than 100 PhD students from more than 40 countries.
The training of the international students in MPEI was started in 1946. Since this time, about 7000 citizens of other countries have got high-quality education at MPEI. More over 1000 students have obtained their Ph.D. degrees here. Among our graduates there are many persons who worked and work at the highest State positions:
• Hussein Sarhan Sbeikh, the Rector of Polytechnic University of Hoson, Jordan
• Iojef Sabo, General Director of High-Voltage Networks Corporation (Hungary)
• Ion Iliesku, the President of Romania
• Li Peng, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China
• Randjikar Sahan Lal, Vice-President of Nepal Engineering Association
• Makala Samuel, the Minister of Power Industry of Tanzania
• Traore Sheikne, the Director of Solar Power Institute of Mali
• Service faculties of MPEI includes:
• Library, which have nearly 2 000000 books, 8 reading halls and computer hall,
• Students hostels accommodate 5100 students,
• Medical policlinic contain high qualified medicinal specialists, computer diagnostic center, and the center of laser medical examination
• Sport grounds, stadium, halls for training, tennis courts, swimming pool, etc.
• MPEI doors are opened to everyone:
• Prospective students from foreign countries graduated from secondary school may enter preliminary department for 10-month program, which offers the study of Russian language and training in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Informatics;
• Graduates of any preliminary department with secondary education and knowledge of Russian language are welcome to study at B.Sc. courses in wide directions during 4 years;
• A special programme in English medium in the field of Computer Sciences, Electronics and Radio Engineering is offered for English speaking students;
• The persons with B.Sc. degree and knowledge of Russian language are offered to study at Dipl. Engineer (1,5 year) or M.Sc. courses (2 years) with deeper specialization in the selected specialty;
• Specialists with Dipl. Engineer or M.Sc. degrees have the possibility to perform PhD project (3 years programme) in one of Institute's departments;
• Specialists graduated from any higher educational establishment (institute, academy, university) may improve their professional and pedagogical skills during specially designed courses.
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) offers Bachelor, Engineer, Master, and Ph.D. programs in following specialities:
Applied mathematics; Automatics and control; Dynamics and strength of machines; Low temperature physics and technology; Thermophysics; Robots and robotic systems; Electric drive and automatics of industrial installations and technological complexes; Boiler and reactor manufacture; Turbine manufacture; Equipment and technology of high-efficiency manufacturing; Hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives, hydro- and pneumatic control; Electromechanics; Electrical and electronic apparatus; Electrical insulators and cables engineering, capacitors technology; Electro technological installations and systems; Illuminating technology and light sources; Electrical transport; Electrical equipment of flying vehicles; Internal electrical equipment for factories; Electric power supply; Power industrial electronics; Radiophysics and electronics; Radio engineering; Radio electronic devices and systems; Household radio electronic systems; Biotechnical and medical apparatus and systems; Informational and measurement technologies and technique; The instruments and methods for quality testing and diagnostics; Control and informatics in technical systems; Automatic production and technology processes; Automatic control of electrical power systems; Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks; Computer-aided-design systems; Electric power stations; Electrical power systems and networks; Nuclear power plants; Water and fuel technology on the thermal power stations; Industrial heat engineering; Heat technologies; Non-traditional and renewable sources of energy; High-voltage physics and technologies; Thermal power stations; Environmental engineering; Optical-electronic devices and systems; Materials and components for solid-state electronics; Microelectronics and semiconductor devices; Electronic devices and systems; Economy and enterprises management; Management (in industries: electrical engineering; electrical power engineering); Decorative designing of articles for the textile and light industry (stylist); Design-decorative modelling of articles for every day life (modeller); Interior and equipment - decorative design for private and public buildings interiors; State and municipal management; Finances and credit; Accountancy and audit.
The main language of training in MPEI is Russian. However, some B.Sc. and Dipl.Eng, M.Sc. and Ph.D. specialties are available in English, French and German.
MPEI official fees for 2008/09 academic year
Program Tuition fee
(Euro/ academic year)
All engineering specialties
in Russian medium Computer Engineering in English medium
Foundation 1620 –
Bachelor course (4 years)
First year 1620 2190
Second year 1890 2550
Third year 2160 2920
Fourth year 2430 3280
Master course (2 years)
Fifth year 2560 3460
Sixth year 2700 3650
Ph.D. course (3 years)
*Student must pay contract fee 800 US $ First Year only .
Insurance fee (Life & health insurance) – Euro 170 per year
Accommodation fee at MPEI hostel: – Euro 810 per year for one place in 2-3 bed rooms
The fees are announced in local currency (Russian Rouble) and calculated into Euro in spring. Therefore the real payment may differ a bit from fees mentioned above (depends on Rouble/Euro ratio of exchange at the time of payment
V.K.Sharma (M.D),
Gold India Education Services Pvt.Ltd
K -29, Gandhi nagar, Gwalior (M.P.) 474002 INDIA
PH : FAX : + 91 -0751 – 4010133,2456981
Mob.: +91 9425126069,9893694946,9229265733
Help Line 08.00 A.M. to 08.00P.M.Mob-9993310133
Email :, ,
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